Sunday, September 11, 2011

Craftin' for a Cause

This past Saturday was our Craftin' for a Cause event.  We had a blast!!  It was a day filled with food, fun, and fellowship.  There were lots of surprises too!!  It was such a success we are already planning ahead for a spring event.    Here are a few pictures to share...

Cindy Peterson is helping Teresa Goff get checked in.

These are a few of the surprises we gave away.  It was fun hearing the excitement when someone's number was called!!

Everyone was working so hard on their projects...the place was a buzz with laughter and chatter.

Lunch was yummy too!!
 Thanks Central Christian Church for allowing us to enjoy a delightful day that helped raise money for "Meal on Wheels!!"  If you didn't get to participate this time, sure hope you will plan to join us in the spring!!

1 comment:

  1. Had such a fun time with everyone on Saturday! Looking forward to another craftin' day in the Spring!
